Tuesday, November 14, 2006

file under: dream of KRS-ONE

my dad and i were supposed to pick up a patient from some local health clinic and transport them "home" (wherever that is). we got into his old blue chevy behemoth and lumbered out in search of our person.

we found the clinic - a set of very 70's one-story brown buildings. inside, we looked over the paperwork and saw that this person lived in "ontario, canada". hey! that works out well, right? how convenient.

my step-sister, kelly, was sitting sideways in a chair in the waiting room. i haven't seen her in about 15 years, so we caught each other up on stuff while the patient was being brought out to us. kelly tells me that she's married to KRS-ONE (??), but that "it's an open relationship." while she's talking, my vision is filled with a b&w image of KRS. i keep thinking, "look at those stringy-ass dreads!" it's not a good look for him, especially in this dream.

[in the real world, kelly called me once when i was living in nyc. she lives in st. louis and has her own business providing security to clubs and hip-hop shows. she had gotten my number from my dad and had called to see if i knew any record producers in new york. apparently, she had branched out in the biz and was looking to promote some local rappers she knew. i think she was disappointed that i wasn't better connected in that area - it could've been that she wasn't aware of my shift in musical tastes since we last lived together (1988? 1989?), and therefore assumed that i still listened to rap almost exclusively.]


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