Monday, February 19, 2007

file under: conspiracies in lower case

i swear, at some point i'm going to create a blog devoted solely to all of the weird coincidences occurring these days.

for instance: having a bit of extra time at work last night, i googled the names of 3 people i knew from my short-lived private school days who've died tragically over the last few years.

i discovered that the one i probably knew the least, RE, had a scholarship fund set up in her honor. what a great tribute, no?

imagine my mild surprise, then, at seeing her name on the list of patients in the hospital tonight. granted, it's a common enough name; but that timing is wicked.

i'm not trying to suggest that these things happen more in my life than anyone else's, or that they're anything more than random weirdnesses. but at the risk of coming across as a total paranoiac, keeping track of them all might be fun.

possibly even... illuminating.


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