Sunday, October 29, 2006

file under: in bloom

N usually sleeps with the tv on while i'm at work, so i'm often greeted by the fresh prince of bel-air when i come home in the morning. we've talked about it before - i find the constant flicker of the cathode ray and the laff tracks too, i dunno, distracting while i'm trying to sleep. she feels the same way about music, which is my preferred form of background noise. she gets too involved with the songs to really sleep. i guess we've got our sleepy-time media divvied up and staked out.

anyway, she was away at casa de RP/BB this weekend, so i left the tv on as a way of keeping her in my thoughts (yes, i realize that doesn't make any sense). our music collection was in the other room, and i was too sleepy to get up and find something to listen to (why i didn't think of the radio, i really can't say. i've been meaning to listen to brave new waves more often, but finding the time has been tougher than expected).

i couldn't determine which channel would be the most sleep-inducing, because i hate most sitcoms and didn't want anything too "flickery" (thus no music videos). i decided on cnn, figuring the drone of tele-journalists would be narcotizing enough.

the problem, apparently, is that the wee hours were full of pundits speculating on the proliferation of wmd's, so i had fitful half-dreams of mushroom clouds and toxic spores. would the food channel have been any better? maybe the weather channel next time?


Blogger Nirmala Basnayake said...

You should try CP24. In the middle of the night, they broadcast decades-old City-TV news programs, followed by that news program from France that you used to watch in Brooklyn. I'm not sure any TV channel would actually work for you, though.

But! it was really sweet of you to try TV just to be "close" to me. Funnily enough, while settling into sleep at Rob and Brendan's, I was listening to the radio. The only radio stations I like for lullaby purposes are the ones that play oldies music, or the ones that are all news, all the time. (It was oldies for me last night; it was like sleeping at my dad's house, which is fitting as R&B are like really young surrogate dads. AND their combined first-name initials are the same as my father's, RB.)

I'm willing to fall asleep to oldies music if we're ever in the same bed at the same time, ever again. Now, however, it's back to the television for me. It's like being told bedtime stories; sometimes these stories are accompanied by laugh tracks. Hey! I think Frasier's on. (That one's for you, har har.)

2:38 AM  
Blogger Nirmala Basnayake said...

...In the middle of the night, they broadcast decades-old City-TV news programs, followed by that news program from France that you used to watch in Brooklyn...

So you would dream about bygone Toronto issues! Or you might learn le francais in your sleep!

3:03 AM  
Blogger pf said...

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4:40 AM  
Blogger pf said...

i tried to delete my hate-on of frasier, but i couldn't erase it completely. because my hate is so strong!

4:43 AM  
Blogger Nirmala Basnayake said...

You know, if you had indeed fallen asleep to the CBC (Brave New Waves or no), my own voice would have entered your subconscious around 4am. THAT would certainly have kept me in your thoughts! (Also, since you woke up at 7am on Sunday, you would have heard the last hour of my show while actually awake.)

I totally forgot that guest host thing was airing yesterday. Maybe my dad caught it.

12:25 PM  

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