Monday, November 20, 2006

file under: caught! fate conspiring

first came this, which i was happy to see in the hometown's free weekly (oddly vexing reader comment included).

but then came this, arrived at quite independently (yet apparently posted not long after the nod from the alibi).

i'm sure there are reasons for such things, like a conference on internetting in the area or something. it's the only connection i can think of between the two photos.

still.... i can't help but feel that this is really a secret sign just for me. but what could it mean? am i supposed to make a sojourn to calgary? for what purpose? is it a destiny thing?

que curiosidad, though. i mean, i've heard about heeding the call and everything, but...

a yodeling sausage?

what could it all mean? i'm at a loss.


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